3 Digital Marketing Trends to Embrace in 2020

If you want your business to succeed in 2020, you need to start embracing digital marketing trends that will help you drive digital business sales. When it comes to digital marketing, the landscape is always changing, which is why it is helpful to know which trends to pursue and which to avoid. Product-focused videos, optimizing your website for mobile viewing, and chatbots are three marketing trends you need to learn more about and consider applying to your business this year. 

Marketing Trend #1: Product-Focused Videos

Video marketing has been picking up steam for a while. When it comes to video marketing, product-focused videos are trending this year. Product-focused videos are designed to explain how the products work, how to use the product, and why someone needs the product in the first place.

Product-focused videos are gaining in popularity because they allow potential buyers to see and understand how the products work in the most realistic way possible. Product videos offer more opportunities for explanation and understanding than articles or pictures. Product videos allow people to see your product in action.

Marketing Trend #2: Optimize for Mobile

Second, you need to make sure that you have a mobile version of your website. More and more people are accessing the internet through mobile devices. In fact, mobile devices are on the verge of overtaking computers as the primary means of accessing the internet. If you want to reach the biggest possible audience, you need to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. If you don't have a mobile-friendly website, hire a web developer to create a mobile-friendly website today. This is a trend that isn't going anywhere.

Marketing Trend #3: Incorporate Chatbots

Finally, the third trend you should be aware of is chatbots. Chatbots are the little boxes that pop up at the bottom of a page and are set up to respond to specific questions and prompts. More websites are using chatbots to answer questions and provide people with information. Chatbots are a building trend that you need to get on top of right now. You can use chatbots to answer questions, share information about sales, set-up appointments, and collect contact information.

This year focus on creating videos that showcase how to use your products. Make sure your website has a mobile-friendly version, so you don't leave out a growing number of internet users. Be sure to incorporate chatbots into your website; they are on their way to becoming an expected feature.

For more information on digital marketing trends to utilize this year, talk to a digital marketing agency in your area.

About Me

Increase Your Online Presence

How much of an online presence does your business have? If the answer is not much, you may be in trouble. In today's increasingly internet-connected world, you need to have a strong online presence in order to be successful, even if you're a small, locally owned business. Luckily, there are many ways to increase your online presence, from free social media sites to more expensive options that will help you offer your customers interactive apps and personalized coupons. I started this blog about online marketing to share what I've learned about internet=based marketing in my years of owning a business. Use the information in these posts to give your business a net-based boost.

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